
scene 1: 10-15 seconds of the people entering the video game going to sleep
scene 2: 7-10 seconds of black screen to show closing eyes then 3-5 seconds of birds to signify it is now morning. Mixed with new noises from the video game world
scene 3: 10-15 seconds, opening eyes slowly to look around in confusion (or opening eyes slowly for a second but then opening them fast like the people are surprised and confused that they are not in their house)
scene 4: 20-30 seconds of the people interacting with the animals and starting to calm down now that it seems peaceful
scene 5: 10-15 seconds of the people noticing an animal and seeing that something is off about it.
scene 6: 10-15 seconds, it starts to rush animals that the people were watching and kills them
scene 7: 10-15 seconds as it looks at the people with blood on it, the people can see animals similar to it behind the animal.
scene 8: 5-10 seconds of the people get a message in the form of a quest or something of the like. It could say to survive a certain amount of time, or to eliminate all of the odd animals
In class today, we were told to have group meetings with our assigned group and group members. We had to help each other out by giving each of our group members ideas for our film opening. Our group members, Fatima, Julian, Me, Clemence, and Noah. Fatima- Drama, Me and Julian - Horror/Drama, and Noah will be doing horror/thriller.
Fatima, who's doing drama, is playing a depressed girl during the summer. She is super lonely and has suicidal thoughts. Clemence, psychological drama, is playing a person that's in a toxic relationship. The opening scene will show the abuse in the relationship. Then it will cut to the protagonist walking through the party and seeing her partner. When she sees him there will be flashbacks and then it will come back to the party and they will hug each other . All sets up the drama and context for the rest of the plot. Noah, who is doing horror/thriller, doesn't seem to have the plot decided yet. Me and Julian are doing maybe a thriller of an innocent person put to the death row has one last chance to clear their name, or a horror of some video game coming to life.
Overall, I think this group meeting was a good way of understanding/sharing each other's ideas. While we didn't have ideas yet, the group meeting helped us brainstorm different ideas, discuss and eventually come up with one. I look forward to having more group meetings in this class.
Left : Julian, Fatima
Middle : Noah
Right: Aneesh (Me), Clemence
Before we start filming/editing anything, we have created a schedule for ourselves below.
Let's start with breaking down this assignment into it's major components.
Casino Royale 2006
This is a great example of using animation and graphics to create a really stylish and exciting credit sequence. It consists of a series of playing cards, guns, and other spy-related imagery set to a driving soundtrack. The opening credit sequence is available on YouTube
This opening is a great example of how to use slow motion and historical imagery to create a dramatic and thought-provoking credit sequence. It features a series of iconic images from American history, all set to a haunting soundtrack. You can find the opening credit sequence on YouTube.
Drive (2011)
We are now into week 2 of our portfolio project!! We are going to be filming a drama thriller opening. Here are three film openings we have researched on based on the same genre, which are great examples of our genre drama thriller:
This opening is a solid example of using dialogue to create conflict. It begins with a conversation between Mark and Erica. It is full of sexual tension.
How did we integrate technologies - software, hardware and online for this project Camera/ Film : Our film opening was filmed using my Gal...