Monday, March 3, 2025
Shot List (Week 5 adding to 6)
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Set Design creation
Set Design Creation
The house is a casual 2 floor blue house with a good looking yard and a car in front.
Inside House/ Hiding Spots
- The Bedroom - The main character can hide from the neighbor under the bed . If he sees you, he can also go under the bed and catch you.
- In the green and reddish brown cupboard. The main characters can hide there. The neighbor, if he sees, can open it up and still catch us.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Character/ Costume Design
In Hello Neighbor, the design of the characters plays a huge part in the story. The audience should be able to understand, personality, curiosity, and danger by looking at the characters' outfits and behavior. Our film is inspired by this game.The Neighbor:
The Protagonist - Teen: My partner will be playing the role of protagonist
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Audio/ audio production is the process of mixing recording and editing the audio for a final product. It also involves performance, recording and radio. Capturing material and selecting the best to make sure the sound is in high quality, then blending the recorded elements into 1 track and balancing volumes. And arranging is describing where to play instruments and elements to add shape to the song/recording.
For our film opening, which relies mostly on teenage phone privacy, will mostly incorporate no copyright sounds and Foley. We would record sounds of our phones vibrating, notification sounds, footsteps/running on grass and concrete, and doors opening and closing. We would also incorporate thrilling/suspenseful sound effects.
Character Development
We may leverage their clothing choices in addition to their surroundings and dispositions to reveal more about their personalities. Unfolded clothing scattered over the room, for example, indicates that they are indifferent to their appearance. A tidy workspace would demonstrate their consideration for others' viewpoints. We could Additionally, utilize the lighting to convey the characters' desired perceptions of themselves. A room that is dark or has little light coming in could indicate that they are working on something that is taking too long and that they are unable to maintain their space properly. Giving the characters meaningful names is another option. For example, if we give them a religious name, they might be religious at the beginning of the movie.
Costume - Mise-en-scene
Friday, February 21, 2025
Mise-en-scene (LIGHTING)
Research For CCR #4
How did we integrate technologies - software, hardware and online for this project Camera/ Film : Our film opening was filmed using my Gal...
For this assignment, We were supposed to create 15 shots showing some of the shots and angles we covered. I decided to tell a POV story of...
We were assigned a word and we had to create a silent 1 minute and 30 sec clip that conveys the meaning of that word. In this project, I wa...
BEHIND THE SCENES!! First, we planned everything out, creating the PowerPoint and storyboard. During the stage, we had to really get a fe...