Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Project

 We were assigned a word and we had to create a silent 1 minute and 30 sec clip that conveys the meaning of that word. In this project, I was assigned the word curious. 

Brainstorming Sheet
During brainstorming, me and my partner wrote down the scenes of what we could think of, and some editing techniques such as transitions, tint, zoom, and tracking. 

The storyboard helped us visualize the shots and how we will be recording them, and the order of the film. It also helped us on positioning the shots ans deciding the best types of shot to use during each scene.

The editing software we utilized was adobe premiere pro. We addeed a couple effectds and transitions.

                                                  I could improve on the editing techniques, and video stabelization. I could have also used better shots and angles as some of them don't convey meaning and therefore, don't make sense. The idea was to end the film with a dramatic scene so that the viewer feels curious about what will happen next.


Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 For this assignment, We were supposed to create 15 shots showing some of the shots and angles we covered. 

I decided to tell a POV story of a student picking up a pencil from a pencil pouch and writing notes with it. 

I think I did an ok job with putting the images in order and describing them with small descriptions of the type of shot and what the image is showing. My favorite shot if the high angle shot, as it makes most picures look dramatic/cool, and covers most space. I could have done a better job on labeling some of the images with the correct type of angle or shot, and have tighter framing in my shots. I also got to know that the main character is supposed to be the inanimate object. I also could have adjusted the lighting and blurred some of the background. 


 Hello everyone! My name is Aneesh Chakrakodi. I created this blog to show my AICE MEDIA projects and how I made them and what I got from them. 

Research for CCR#2

How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text? Our film is a psychological thriller film...