Sunday, March 16, 2025

Research For CCR #4

How did we integrate technologies - software, hardware and online for this project 

Camera/ Film : Our film opening was filmed using my Galaxy S24 Ultra, which provided high quality footage with vibrant colors. To achieve a variety of perspectives, we incorporated long shots, closeup shots, pov shots and mid shots to enhance storytelling. 

For stability and dynamic range, we used my tripod. It is a tripod that also converts into a selfie stick, allowing handheld shots to be smooth, while also adding a few stable shots. 


For editing, we utilized softwares like Premiere Pro and Cap-cut. In premiere pro, we sorted out the clips,  trimmed off the unnecessary retakes, and transitions for flow. However, we were not familiar with creating titles on premiere therefore, we utilized cap-cut for titles and credits. We also used the built in editors on our phones to adjust the exposure/ lighting. 


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Research for CCR#3

CCR#3  How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

At the beginning of this project, I had a limited understanding of film production. I had some experience with filming and editing but, this project pushed me to enhance my planning, editing and storytelling, and technical skills. 

Pre-Production & Planning : 

Initially, I struggled with planning. I couldn't properly create myself a schedule, and we had to change our storyline multiple times. This taught me the importance of decision making and problem-solving. Due to poor planning, everything came to the last moment. This project basically taught me the importance of planning accordingly, sticking to a schedule, and making last minute adjustments. It also taught me how different shots, compositions, lighting and angles can contribute to a suspense/ thriller film. 

Filming : 

Filming with my S24 Ultra has allowed me to explore all the cinematic effects, camera features, and settings that create vibrant colors, immense angles, stable shots, and high quality footage. I also experimented with different shot types, including close-ups, long shots, mid shots and POV shots. I also learned how lighting can create different atmospheres and mood. 


My editing skills have improved. I focused on basic trimming and cuts, but integrated transitions, title cards, and effects. I also learned foley, or creating audio from everyday sounds. I also learned how we can utilize multiple editing softwares to bring out the best of our film. Using both premiere and cap-cut allowed me to create smoother transitions, adjust lighting and add suspenseful sound effects. 

Research for CCR#2

How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Our film is a psychological thriller film, which revolves around smartphone obsession/digital privacy invasion.  Our film plays a common role revolving around smartphone/ digital privacy invasion . 

Audience Engagement 

Teens 13-14 ---> Since the film revolves around smartphone obsession, as it could relate to young adults who are obsessed with their phone and can't be in the present. 

Audiences who enjoy psychological thrillers/slow burning tension could find our film intriguing. 

How would it Engage

Social Media : Clips, trailers, or even shots that provide clues related to the topic of our film could be shared on social media platforms. 

Discussion forums : The ambiguous nature of our film could smidge reddit discussions.


If this were a real short film, it could be distributed through these platforms

YouTube/Vimeo - Most filmmakers distribute their short films here to showcase their work for free, or use them as portfolio products.

Film Festivals - Since the film is under 2 minutes, it could be submitted to student film festivals such as the LA Film Festival or Campus movie fest. 


Friday, March 14, 2025

Group Meeting #2

On 3/11, we had our second group meeting. When we shared our idea, the group suggested to to talk to the teacher as we did not follow her instructions.  Our project was about a creepy looking guy kidnapping the protagonist and trapping them inside. After the meeting, we discussed our new idea with the teacher as we are at the verge of just getting the project done/going back and fixing all of our blog posts too. 

I also got suggestions to make my blogs better as most of my blogs talked about the original topic itself and not how I can incorporate those contexts into my project. So starting today, I plan to re-film the shots without stalking/kidnapping. And also plan out my CCR's as the due date is less than 2 weeks away. 

We filmed again today. It's more of the protagonist being curious of why his friend is always on his phone. We added shots of me being on phone and the protagonist getting intrigued on to why. The location switched to outside my community and my garage. 


Leftmost : Anabella
White Hoodie : Me (Aneesh)
Middle : Kailen
Blue Hoodie : Adil 

Research For CCR #4

How did we integrate technologies - software, hardware and online for this project  Camera/ Film : Our film opening was filmed using my Gal...