Friday, March 14, 2025

Group Meeting #2

On 3/11, we had our second group meeting. When we shared our idea, the group suggested to to talk to the teacher as we did not follow her instructions.  Our project was about a creepy looking guy kidnapping the protagonist and trapping them inside. After the meeting, we discussed our new idea with the teacher as we are at the verge of just getting the project done/going back and fixing all of our blog posts too. 

I also got suggestions to make my blogs better as most of my blogs talked about the original topic itself and not how I can incorporate those contexts into my project. So starting today, I plan to re-film the shots without stalking/kidnapping. And also plan out my CCR's as the due date is less than 2 weeks away. 

We filmed again today. It's more of the protagonist being curious of why his friend is always on his phone. We added shots of me being on phone and the protagonist getting intrigued on to why. The location switched to outside my community and my garage. 


Leftmost : Anabella
White Hoodie : Me (Aneesh)
Middle : Kailen
Blue Hoodie : Adil 

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Research for CCR#2

How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text? Our film is a psychological thriller film...