Sunday, February 2, 2025

Genre Choices/Research


Hello! I would like my project to be on a Drama/Horror genre. I chose these genres as I am familiar with them and watched multiple films based on them. Horror typically deals with the unknown, the paranormal, and the darker sides of humanity. Any audience that engages with horror-related content is intended to be disturbed, frightened, or frightened. Both the genres provide suspense, keeping the audience engaged and willing to know what will happen next. 


Smile 2 (2024)
Horror films tend to evoke fear and suspense in audiences. Most of them feature dark themes such as violence, death, and unknown. Sudden silences, unnerving sound effects, and sudden silences can create a sense of unease and tension. Horror films also feature visuals containing shadows, distorted images/objects, and/blood. Audience mainly watch horror to confront their fears, or for distraction. 

In Smile 2, the movie plays a trick on your mind by blurring the lines between what's real and your imagination and jump scares like awkward silence then a monster like creature appearing closely on the screen when least excpected. The main protagonist, Skye Riley experiences hallucinations too. The film builds tension, then delivers scares that catches the audience off guard.
Still from Smile 2 (2024)


Drama genre mainly emphasizes on human relationships, emotional depth, and conflict. Most films mainly feature the connections between people, family, love, friendship and how they change overtime. They also contain life lessons/themes about the connections between people too. 

Still from La La Land (2016)

In La La Land, the film is a romantic relation ship between two protagonists, exploring joys, dreams, and challenges. They are passionate and journey driven. It also incorporates themes such as sacrifices of love and pursuit of dreams.

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